Shopping lists exist because humans don’t operate well without clear plans and instructions. After centuries of returning from the store only to remember something else we needed (eggplant!), we finally devised a system to address our perpetual shortcomings. Calendars do the same thing. So do itineraries. But for some reason, the sound logic that dictates systems like these often disappears [poof!] when we look at more abstract problems, like marketing.
Unfortunately, when facing a complex issue like marketing, and the equally complex task of creating a system to ensure success, we frequently choose to operate with NO SYSTEM.
That’s where the trouble starts.
But that’s not where the trouble ends. It ends with wasted time, impossible-to-measure effort and results, miscommunication, missed opportunities, and generally superstitious marketing efforts.
We understand your frustration.
You have a job to do and you need to trust that someone is handling marketing. Like, real marketing that’s tied to the nuances of your industry and company goals – not just busy work.
That’s why we created the SOAR™ System.
What’s the flight plan?
The SOAR™ System is designed to help busy leaders create a sustainable lead generation system within 90 days so they can remain confident in the growth of their company without losing focus on their other responsibilities. This is not a quick fix, and it is a big commitment. We like to take it pretty seriously.
The SOAR™ System operates in three unique stages:
1. Understand
First, we lay the framework and clarify exactly whom you seek to serve, what accomplishments you require, and which of your existing assets can be harnessed for your success.
2. Unlock
Next, we map out a strategy and develop the marketing actions needed to execute that strategy. We’ll create a unique flight plan to address the questions your buyer persona is anxiously asking.
3. Unleash
Then, whether your team or ours, we’ll shift our focus to execution and integration – creating a sustainable cycle of lead generation.
What if you don’t hire us?
Hypothetically, though, let us pause and consider:
What do you stand to lose?
• Share of voice
• Relevance
• Connection with ideal clients
• Sustainable marketing results
• Accountability in marketing efforts
• Your mint condition copy of New Mutants #98
What do you stand to gain?
• A restful night’s sleep
• Confidence in growth
• Understanding of your ideal buyer persona
• An organized, repeatable system
• Clear direction
• An autographed copy of the Shrek II script
We were the first in our industry to break through the content barrier and because of that we outrank and outperform firms larger than us.
Audie DennisVice President, General Manager, Boyd Metals
This shit works.
Sasha McCuneDirector, Conifer Research
When coronavirus hit we couldn't have been more happy that we started this journey 2 years prior. Invest now.
Sarah KotvaExecutive VP, Partner, Fieldwork
The mistake that I see many companies make in times of stress is that the very first thing they always cut is marketing, and it kills me.
Kristin LuckFounder, Managing Partner, Scalehouse
“But how will it work with my [insert marketing situation]?”
Some companies already have an entire marketing department. Some companies have none. Some companies go “wee wee wee” all the way home.
We’ve seen it all, and we created two flavors of SOAR to help in any scenario.
Can your internal marketing department and our SOAR System coexist? Absolutely! Let’s say you have a bunch of experienced pilots – you could still benefit from having someone in the tower to help with navigation and keeping an eye out for incoming clouds. Ground control to Major Tom!
In the Do-it-Yourself Flight Plan, we provide the framework, structure and training needed to execute a successful annual marketing plan. With the support of systems, marketing strategy, best practices and essential assets from our team, your kickass marketing department provides the kickass execution.
What’s better – hiring 1 person with a few skills? Or hiring 1 team of experts with a plethora of skills? When you work with our team, you have direct access to content marketing specialists, digital advertisers, videographers, photographers, designers, brand experts and marketing strategists.
With the Done-For-You Flight Plan, our team becomes an extension of yours. In addition to the framework and structure of the DIY plan, this plan includes monthly execution of all marketing deliverables. All you have to do is board the flight and kick back with your cocktail and funny little eye pillow.
Deliverables Comparison
Licensing of SOAR™ System
Buyer Personal Consultation and Development
Business Goals Review & Campaign Discussion
Unique Value Proposition Development
Keyword Research and Content Gap Analysis
Mini SEO Audit
Blog Title Creation for 12 Blogs
Social Media Account Revision & Settings Verification
Social Media Content Consultation
Hashtag Strategy
3 Email Header + 1 Email Footer Graphic
Lead Magnet Ideation Session
HubSpot Technical Graphic Setup
HubSpot Analytics Tracking Verification
HubSpot Technical Onboarding Training Sessions
Social Media and File Manager
Blogs and CTAs
Emails and Lists
Landing Pages and Workflows
Full Execution of 1 Customized Downloadable “Freemium”
Full Execution of 12 Emails
Full Execution of 12 Blogs
Full Execution of 400 Social Media Posts
Dedicated Content Marketing Specialist
Total Project Management via Trello
Quarterly Report Review and Strategy Session
Still have questions?
Hit us up for a consultation. It takes 45 minutes and it only costs $149.
Step 1 – Tell us more about yourself
Step 2 – Submit your payment
Click the payment link below to submit your payment. As soon as you’ve done that, move right on to step 3 and find a date and time that works great for you