Little Bird Marketing

Brands need more than 15 Minutes of Fame.

Being seen is a challenge. Our world is noisy, people are busy, and it turns out they’re really good at “scrolling past” and tuning out. Some channels you own, some are pay to play and some reward you handsomely for striking a nerve. In order to be heard above the din, you need a mix of amazing visuals, helpful content and a little bit of luck.

The harder we work, the luckier we get.

Media Planning

Dawes sang it best in that “it’s a little bit of everything,” and getting your strategic content out to the masses is a bit like that. One approach works for one brand and is a flop for another, but whether you choose one, two or all, getting the mix just right is a real Goldilocks issue. Here’s what we’re dealing with in a nutshell: 


Owned Content

The creation and maintenance of owned media are key to a brand’s success. The most commonly owned channel is a company’s website but also includes branded podcasts, newsletter subscriptions, printed materials and the like. With full control over these experiences, brands must maximize their impact to make the right connection with content and visuals that resonate and elicit the intended response. 


Paid Content

Paying to play may not be everyone’s favorite, but when it comes to expanding an audience, there are a lot of options to consider, including:

  • Trade Show Booth
  • Industry Event Sponsorship
  • Paying for speaking opportunity
  • Podcast Commercials
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Content Syndication Packages
  • Ad Campaign on Social Media

Earned Content

Brands earn attention by providing great content through channels they don’t directly own. Team members can be featured on outside podcasts, quoted in an article, published through an industry medium, or step onto a stage at a conference. The most common earned media is social media. Many don’t think about social media channels as leased land, but should those channels disappear tomorrow, brands need to consider how else they would reach that audience. Earning attention is only part of the equation. An effective brand strategy uses these opportunities to bring the relationship into an owned environment. 


CASE STUDY: Conifer Research

Curious about the impact of strategic B2B content marketing? A well-structured marketing system can revolutionize your business. After implementing our SOAR System, Conifer Research saw remarkable growth over three years. Explore the impressive metrics, including a 266% increase in organic keywords, 20 keywords ranking in the top 20 search positions, and a significant boost in qualified organic traffic. Discover how a tailored content strategy transformed Conifer’s digital presence and led to over $4 million in new opportunities!

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